With our dedicated IT support services, Marveltec IT Solutions ensures that businesses have expert assistance to resolve technical issues, optimize network performance, and maintain a secure and efficient IT infrastructure.

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20 Allen Street, Scottburgh, 4180
Tel: (031) 003 2200

Support Services

Marveltec IT Solutions have a team of qualified IT professionals waiting to help you. Contact us for a free consultation and get the best plan for your business.
Contact us for your obligation free consult today!
I N N O V A T I V E   I T   S O L U T I O N S Marveltec Marveltec MENU
Looking to outsource your IT? As an MSP, we offer managed IT service level agreements. An SLA is essential in ensuring both parties are on the same page in terms of standards and service. By making a service level agreement, you have a service offering blueprint and a clearly documented method of working through the mutual expectations of you and your service provider, for your own peace of mind.  Technology changes at an extremely fast pace. We are always trying to increase productivity and collaboration to work more efficiently, so we rely heavily on technology to achieve this goal. Keeping up with the changes and innovations of this ever changing technological landscape can be a nightmare for anybody that is trying to efficiently run their business as well as keep their costs to a minimum. Why not outsource your IT to a professional managed IT Service provider, while you get on with running your business? 
Instead of running up multiple overlapping costs across multiple providers, you can keep all your IT management with a single cost from 1 provider that entails all your IT needs. 
Cost Savings
Running from pillar to post, managing multiple vendors, like Mimecast, Microsoft, RMM, Anti- virus provider, backup providers etc? A managed service provider will manage those vendors for you, making sure that they are working together.  
Improve Vendor Management
Focus on your business while your IT provider takes care of all the technical stuff. 
Focus On Core Business
You need a service provider that will be able to facilitate the growth of your IT needs as your business grows.
Onsite Support We offer onsite support services on an ad-hoc or SLA level. This includes setup and troubleshooting of computers, laptops, servers, server cabinets, internet connectivity, networking equipment like routers, MikroTiks, wireless access points, VOIP phones, network cabling, NAS boxes and other networking infrastructure. Remote & Telephone Support Our remote and telephone support services can be employed on either an ad-hoc or SLA level and includes remote and telephone support for all kinds of IT related issues and setups. These include Emails, VOIP phones, Microsoft Office, SharePoint, basic internet troubleshooting, network configurations, Firewalls, security, Eset Antivirus, Jumpcloud, Mimecast, Full Disk Encryption, cloud server hosting, backup services through Acronis and a host of other IT related issues. Remote Monitoring Management Our SLA level remote & telephone support packages include Remote Monitoring Management (RMM) Software. RMM technology gives IT service providers the ability to manage more clients than traditional break/fix IT providers, and to do so more efficiently. Through RMM, technicians can remotely install software and updates, administer patches, and more – and this can often all be done from a single, unified dashboard. Technicians can administer tasks simultaneously to many computers at once, and no longer have to travel from office to office to handle routine maintenance.
Managed IT SLAs
Benefits of using an outsourced managed IT service provider: 
With our dedicated IT support services, Marveltec IT Solutions ensures that businesses have expert assistance to resolve technical issues, optimize network performance, and maintain a secure and efficient IT infrastructure.

© Copyright

20 Allen Street, Scottburgh, 4180
Tel: (031) 003 2200

Support Services

Marveltec IT Solutions have a team of qualified IT professionals waiting to help you. Contact us for a free consultation and get the best plan for your business.
Looking to outsource your IT? As an MSP, we offer managed IT service level agreements. An SLA is essential in ensuring both parties are on the same page in terms of standards and service. By making a service level agreement, you have a service offering blueprint and a clearly documented method of working through the mutual expectations of you and your service provider, for your own peace of mind.  Technology changes at an extremely fast pace. We are always trying to increase productivity and collaboration to work more efficiently, so we rely heavily on technology to achieve this goal. Keeping up with the changes and innovations of this ever changing technological landscape can be a nightmare for anybody that is trying to efficiently run their business as well as keep their costs to a minimum. Why not outsource your IT to a professional managed IT Service provider, while you get on with running your business? 
Contact us for your obligation free consult today!
Instead of running up multiple overlapping costs across multiple providers, you can keep all your IT management with a single cost from 1 provider that entails all your IT needs. 
Cost Savings
Running from pillar to post, managing multiple vendors, like Mimecast, Microsoft, RMM, Anti-virus provider, backup providers etc? A managed service provider will manage those vendors for you, making sure that they are working together.  
Improve Vendor Management
Focus on your business while your IT provider takes care of all the technical stuff. 
Focus On Core Business
You need a service provider that will be able to facilitate the growth of your IT needs as your business grows.
Onsite Support We offer onsite support services on an ad-hoc or SLA level. This includes setup and troubleshooting of computers, laptops, servers, server cabinets, internet connectivity, networking equipment like routers, MikroTiks, wireless access points, VOIP phones, network cabling, NAS boxes and other networking infrastructure. Remote & Telephone Support Our remote and telephone support services can be employed on either an ad-hoc or SLA level and includes remote and telephone support for all kinds of IT related issues and setups. These include Emails, VOIP phones, Microsoft Office, SharePoint, basic internet troubleshooting, network configurations, Firewalls, security, Eset Antivirus, Jumpcloud, Mimecast, Full Disk Encryption, cloud server hosting, backup services through Acronis and a host of other IT related issues. Remote Monitoring Management Our SLA level remote & telephone support packages include Remote Monitoring Management (RMM) Software. RMM technology gives IT service providers the ability to manage more clients than traditional break/fix IT providers, and to do so more efficiently. Through RMM, technicians can remotely install software and updates, administer patches, and more – and this can often all be done from a single, unified dashboard. Technicians can administer tasks simultaneously to many computers at once, and no longer have to travel from office to office to handle routine maintenance.
Managed IT SLAs
Benefits of using an outsourced managed IT service provider: 
Marveltec Innovative IT Solutions

Support Services

Marveltec IT Solutions have a team of qualified IT professionals waiting to help you. Contact us for a free consultation and get the best plan for your business.
Looking to outsource your IT? As an MSP, we offer managed IT service level agreements. An SLA is essential in ensuring both parties are on the same page in terms of standards and service. By making a service level agreement, you have a service offering blueprint and a clearly documented method of working through the mutual expectations of you and your service provider, for your own peace of mind.  Technology changes at an extremely fast pace. We are always trying to increase productivity and collaboration to work more efficiently, so we rely heavily on technology to achieve this goal. Keeping up with the changes and innovations of this ever changing technological landscape can be a nightmare for anybody that is trying to efficiently run their business as well as keep their costs to a minimum. Why not outsource your IT to a professional managed IT Service provider, while you get on with running your business? 
Contact us for your obligation free consult today!
With our dedicated IT support services, Marveltec IT Solutions ensures that businesses have expert assistance to resolve technical issues, optimize network performance, and maintain a secure and efficient IT infrastructure.

© Copyright

20 Allen Street, Scottburgh, 4180
Tel: (031) 003 2200
Marveltec Innovative IT Solutions
Instead of running up multiple overlapping costs across multiple providers, you can keep all your IT management with a single cost from 1 provider that entails all your IT needs. 
Cost Savings
Running from pillar to post, managing multiple vendors, like Mimecast, Microsoft, RMM, Anti-virus provider, backup providers etc? A managed service provider will manage those vendors for you, making sure that they are working together.  
Improve Vendor Management
Focus on your business while your IT provider takes care of all the technical stuff. 
Focus On Core Business
You need a service provider that will be able to facilitate the growth of your IT needs as your business grows.
Onsite Support We offer onsite support services on an ad-hoc or SLA level. This includes setup and troubleshooting of computers, laptops, servers, server cabinets, internet connectivity, networking equipment like routers, MikroTiks, wireless access points, VOIP phones, network cabling, NAS boxes and other networking infrastructure. Remote & Telephone Support Our remote and telephone support services can be employed on either an ad-hoc or SLA level and includes remote and telephone support for all kinds of IT related issues and setups. These include Emails, VOIP phones, Microsoft Office, SharePoint, basic internet troubleshooting, network configurations, Firewalls, security, Eset Antivirus, Jumpcloud, Mimecast, Full Disk Encryption, cloud server hosting, backup services through Acronis and a host of other IT related issues. Remote Monitoring Management Our SLA level remote & telephone support packages include Remote Monitoring Management (RMM) Software. RMM technology gives IT service providers the ability to manage more clients than traditional break/fix IT providers, and to do so more efficiently. Through RMM, technicians can remotely install software and updates, administer patches, and more – and this can often all be done from a single, unified dashboard. Technicians can administer tasks simultaneously to many computers at once, and no longer have to travel from office to office to handle routine maintenance.
Managed IT SLAs
Benefits of using an outsourced managed IT service provider: